“War. War never changes.”

You might’ve guessed what this blog is going be about by reading the mere title – and yes it’s Fallout. I’ll be focusing on the first game of the franchise.

Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game was released in 1997 on Microsoft Windows and Mac OS

Fallout:  A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game is an open-world turn-based role-playing video game developed and published by Interplay Productions in 1997.

Gameplay in Fallout centers the game world, visiting locations and talking with local NPCs. Occasionally the player faces unfortunate dilemmas that you are willingly tasked to accomplish, which results in karma and experience points. The most fascinating aspect of this game is that the player may complete the same task in quite a few ways, and diplomacy is usually the key to everything. The player’s actions and/or inactions dictates what future story or gameplay opportunities are available and therefore dictates the ending of the game. Unique feature of this game franchise is the brilliant system called S.P.E.C.I.A.L (an acronym for “Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility and Luck”).

In the aftermath of a global nuclear war in a mid-22nd century USA, the Vault 13, is running out of clean fresh water. The Water Chip, a computer chip responsible for clean fresh water, malfunctions. As you take control of our Vault dweller from Vault 13, you are tasked by the Overseer to go and search the wasteland for a replacement. You are given a Pip-Boy 2000, which aids your journey as it’s a portable wristwatch-

What a dialog box looks like in Fallout 1. Unfortunately these are only applicable for important NPCs.

like computer that keeps track of all your objectives, time, health, map-making and bookkeeping.

I’m amazed by the vastly intriguing stories and events the developers have created for the player to find out and explore. The music and effects are oddly grim and makes you get goosebumps. As it’s quite an old game many newcomers might struggle through the game and that’s why I’d recommend at least looking up a text-based walkthrough of the game. There’s hard ways and easy ways to play the game and that’s almost always decided by the attributes you allocate them to. And then there’s the skills that play a very important part. Here’s a protip: at the start you should certainly invest points in Small Guns and Unarmed/Melee Weapons.

Almost everything you see on screen can be examined, which just adds up to the hidden pop culture references found throughout the game. This is yet another common

thing in Fallout, the Easter Eggs. There’s quite a few interesting


Easter Eggs that you might wanna check out – my favorite one being the Tardis that can be found in a random encounter in the wasteland. This is an obvious reference to the British televesion series, Doctor Who – and Dogmeat, a companion, which is a reference to Mad Max 2.

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